
Lao PDR has some notable advantages for growth: it has a young population, shares borders with some of the world’s fastest growing economies and is developing rail and road connections that can activate this trade potential. To meet this challenge, Laos needs to rapidly foster positive and sustainable change for our target groups. The private sector is the engine of economic development because it generates income and jobs. Working for and with the private sector lies therefore at the heart of Swisscontact’s activities in Laos.
about laos

Country Facts 

  • Area: 236 800 km²
  • Population: 7 million
  • Capital: Vientiane

Swisscontact in Laos

  • since 2013



Initial vocational education and training
Digital Literacy Initiative Laos
The Digital Literacy Initiative (DLI) aims to better prepare youth for productive activities in the digital economy through basic coding and programming lessons, coding clubs and digital entrepreneurship courses for students of upper secondary schools and TVET (technical and vocational education and training) colleges.
Green cities
Sustainable Consumption and Production in Lao PDR (SCP Lao)
The goal of the project is to enable environmental Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), particularly those focusing on youth and women, to contribute to green and inclusive economic growth in the Lao PDR. This will be achieved by strengthening their capacities in three main areas: policy dialogue, awareness raising, and income generation.
Initial vocational education and training
Vocational Training and Employment Support Services in Laos
The VTESS project aims at vocational training and labour market insertion or re-entering of schooling of the main project beneficiaries, who are people between 15 and 35 years of age, have completed primary and/ or lower secondary education only (early school leavers), and are subjected to income poverty. The main objective of the project is to improve the income and, ultimately, the livelihood of its beneficiaries.
Green cities
Waste to Value
Swisscontact's Waste to Value project strengthens the environmental performance in service sector SMEs (hotels, restaurants, cafés and mini-marts) by improving their waste management practices and access to green products. The project further strengthens business operations and improves workplace safety for informal waste pickers increasing their income and quality of livelihood. This is complemented with awareness raising among service sector SMEs and the wider population along with encouraging public-private consultation meetings in the Lao PDR in line with national and municipal government strategies.
Benin, Bolivia, Cambodia, Kosovo, Laos, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru
Entrepreneurial ecosystems
Senior Expert Contact
Promoting entrepreneurship through expertise - Imparting technical skills through volunteer work Through their services, Senior Expert Contact (SEC) experts provide hands-on, direct support to companies and institutions in their efforts to grow.


Initial vocational education and training
Digital Literacy Initiative (DLI) Project Launches in Laos, Fostering Future-Ready Youth
The Digital Literacy Initiative (DLI) Project officially kicked off on April 3rd, 2021, at Crowne Plaza Hotel in Vientiane Capital, marking the beginning of its implementation in Laos. The event featured a panel discussion on the Current Situation of Future Outlook of ICT in the Education Sector in Laos, emphasizing the project's objectives and its significance for the country's digital landscape.
Initial vocational education and training
Advocating the importance of ICT in the Education Sector and Digital Literacy Initiative Project
The advocating the importance of ICT in the Education Sector and Digital Literacy Initiative (DLI) Project kick - off was organized on April 3rd, 2024, in Vientiane Capital to mark the official support on ICT skills in Laos. The event addressed the need for ICT knowledge in youth and the discussion of current situation and future outlooks of ICT development from the public and private perspectives. The purpose and contribution of DLI project was presented, also experience and achievement in supporting ICT skills in youth in neighboring country – Vietnam was shared to highlight the position of ICT in the education system.
Green cities
How the tourism and hospitality industry are challenging plastic waste in Laos
In Laos, an ecological movement is growing rapidly. The Plastic Free Laos label – an initiative aiming to reduce plastic waste in the country – is making real strides toward an environmentally sustainable future. Swisscontact supports the label through its Waste to Value Project.
Country Director
Michael Fink


The private sector drives economic development by creating income and jobs. Swisscontact Laos collaborates closely with the local private sector to strengthen the country's existing social and economic structures. We see development as the foundation for making economies and the people who live in them more resilient.

Vocational education and training, as well as labor market insertion, are central to our work in Laos. We improve people's skills and provide opportunities for a secure income and active participation in society. We focus on the service sector for sustainable development in order to create green jobs, increase income, and promote economic well-being without negatively harming the environment.

10 years creating opportunities in Lao PDR
Where did we come from and where do we go
Sustainable tourism, Initial vocational education and training
Pheun Than Heng A Sip Training Programme
The tourism and hospitality sector in Lao PDR has expanded rapidly in recent years and the trend is set to continue. Tourism and hospitality services often drive revenues for micro, small and medium sized enterprises (MSMEs), particularly in rural areas, which in turn can provide the livelihood for people from poor backgrounds. However, often...
Sustainable tourism
Economically strong regions through sustainable tourism (MIGIP Laos)
The objective of the project is to introduce new models for promoting localities that involve the social, environmental, and economic needs of local populations while creating additional income and jobs.Despite high and sustained economic growth, Laos remains one of the UN’s “Least Developed Countries” – one third of the population lives...
The abilities and readiness for action of our employees are decisive for our projects’ ability to achieve sustainable impact, as well as our long-term success. As an attractive employer, Swisscontact invests in a positive management and work culture. This is defined by our fundamental understanding of development intended to serve not only our beneficiaries in project countries but our employees as well.
Swisscontact’s core business is the implementation of projects funded by bilateral, multi-lateral and private sector donors. 
Motivated and productive employees with initiative constitute the most important success factor in all areas of our work. We count on individuals who are looking to the future, impact- and team-oriented, and want to work in international development cooperation. 

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Swisscontact in Laos

3rd floor, 108 Hill Building,49 Dongpaina
Ban Saphanthong Neua 
Sisattanak District Vientiane Capital